A.I. Chair Kartell


Pragmatic and thought-provoking

Great information - from data to tools to templates - is critical to driving change.

Take a look – we’ve suggested a series of resources we hope you’ll find helpful - whether you’re just getting started or already out there inspiring others!

if you're just getting started

if you're just getting started

From New Republic: Furniture waste and shipping emissions have grown appallingly in recent decades. Each year, Americans throw out more than 12 million tons of furniture and furnishings…

Fast Furniture Is an Environmental Fiasco

From EMF: Circular economy decouples economic activity from the consumption of finite resources…

Couch Low Carbon Cassina

From Green Living: From materials and finishes, to construction and transportation energy required to get it to market...

Donut Economics Talk

From TED: We can move countries out of the hole where people are falling short on life's essentials...

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frameworks & tools

frameworks & tools

Climate Toolkit for Designers

From Metropolis: Interior designers have a special role to play in the fight to lower GHGs in the atmosphere...

Circular Design Guide

From EMF: A new mind-set for business is emerging, but making the shift isn’t easy...

Just & Regenerative Business Image

From Forum for the Future: the critical role of business leadership as humanity stands at a crossroads...

From FIRA International: The more the furniture industry understands the make up of its products' footprints the more it can look to reduce it in targeted, intelligent and innovative ways.

Benchmarking Carbon Footprints of Furniture Products
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action that inspires

action that inspires

From National Geographic:

“No one actually wants to be responsible for all that waste that we’re creating.”
Engineer Arthur Huang is trying to change this by designing new materials from trash…

This Guy Is Making Furniture and Buildings out of Your Trash
Sustainable Furniture Factory Vestre

From Dezeen: The 7,000-square-metre factory is generating 55 per cent lower emissions than a comparable building...

Recycled Furniture Houe

From Houe: Collaborating to stop looking at trash as a problem, and start seeing it as a resource…

GreenRow Sustainable Furniture

From Furniture Today: Williams-Sonoma's new brand sources designs built from responsible materials...

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business models for change

business models for change

As part of their closed loop promise, Sabai encourages its customers to trade in their furniture or buy secondhand. It’s their way of ensuring that every phase of their product’s life is accounted for.

Buy Back: Sabai
Recommerce furniture

FloorFound's end-to-end 'recommerce' platform simplifies the complexities of oversized resale.

Rental Furniture model

ZZ Driggs provides flexible furniture solutions through its rental model.

Sustainable Samples

Through design-led procurement, Dodds & Shute sources the most sustainable furniture and lighting.

Modular Furniture

Loose Parts designs furniture around an intuitive and modular system that keeps flexibility and adaptability in mind.

When remanufacturing, Rype Office uses a combination of reused and repaired elements, as well as new parts, to make something to its original specification. The practice is used in products ranging from photocopiers to military vehicles – and it’s perfect for office furniture.

Remanufacturing: Rype Office
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collaborators we love

collaborators we love

SFC logo

Raising awareness and expanding the adoption of environmentally sustainable practices...

Healthy materials lab logo

Committed to raising awareness about and creating resources to build healthier places.

IIDA Sustainability Circle

Endeavors to encourage the use of interior design strategies that reduce negative impacts on the environment and support collaborative efforts to design in a socially responsible way.

SOMA empowers companies and professionals to transition from our linear economy to a circular one – which in practice means developing or adjusting products, systems, services and communication for a more sustainable and fair world.

SOMA Studio Milano
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